Problem with the DB Groupby node from the Knime Labs

When using the DB Groupby node from the Labs, it seems it is not possible to choose different parameters for different aggregations in the same node while the parameters have separate buttons.

Example: if I count different elements, all counts will be either all unique count or all normal count.



Hi Sébastien,
thanks for reporting that issue. I have opened a ticket for an we will fix the problem before the framework will be released for production.
We will release a new preview of the framework with lots of changes especially regarding the type mapping with the December release. Please give it a try. We would be very interested to know what you think about it.

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Thanks for your feedback and support.
And yes, I am looking forward to testing the December release as type mapping is indeed sometimes a bit tricky.
When is it planned in December?



Hi Sébastien,
the release is planned for the 6th of December.

Thanks for the precision. Are the KNIME Labs DB nodes going to be completed with the missing nodes (that are available in the Official Database category but unfortunately incompatible).
For instance, DB column rename or DB looping.