Problems connecting oracle to Knime

Hi Guys,

I am trying to use a database connector to connect to my DB from Oracle but I am a Noob and have no idea how to do it. I have downloaded the Jar drivers for ojdbc14, ojdbc6 and ojdbc7 and added them to the database within File>preferences. however I cannot seem to connect to our DB.

This is the URL i am trying to use (where host= “Hostname” and DB = db

Do I need to add the driver somewhere else on the computer? we use PLSQL developer to connect to the DB


Can any help me see what I am Missing here? I really need to do this so I can move forward.



This is the URL format: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host>:<port>/<database_name>
You have it in drop down menu in Database Connector node. I’m using ojdbc8.jar file.

It is working for me fine.



I have tried that. I have also tried installing Oracle 64 and 32 bit drivers on my computer but no luck. Here is a screenshot of the connection i am using on the database connector node.

I get this error message:

Execute failed: Could not create connection to database: Unknown host specified

Any ideas?


I tested a bit and the only time I got this message is when host name is wrong so I think the host name is not correct. Check it again :slight_smile:

You can use check box Validate connection on close so you do not need to close and run node and then open and try it all over again if it failed…


thanks for the reply. I am pretty sure its correct. Is there anything else it could be? I have tried so many combinations but to no success. At one point the error message was “cannot connect to the database XXXX” does this mean I am closer in this case?

Try to add // before server name, also, try IP address instead of server name.

No luck

Share your Database URL if you want if you want us to try :slight_smile:
If proper then we will get error invalid username/password…

Is 1521 port?
What is MKTG? infojobs_it is database?


This should be the URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@

And for it I’m getting following error:

Could not create connection to database: Socket read timed out


what does that mean? do you know how i can resolve?

Do you get the same error with above URL?

make sure you get rid of that one (keep only the newest one) in the knime config not that that driver is used for connections because that one is very old and outdated and will not work.

For the rest, you will need the right connection string and credentials