i am using the Write-to-Excel-Template Node one times and after creating a Excel-File how i want, the node “crashed” .
I restart the workflow, disconnect the Node , delete it and put a “fresh” one into the workflow.
Sometimes it helped somtimes not. 

Data input
Setting Options Write-to-Excel-Template Node
Setting Advanced Options Write-to-Excel-Template Node
Column Filter Node
comparison with the Excel-Template-File

*ERROR Write To Excel Template 4:1009 Execute failed: Reason: Error while writing This Style does *
*not belong to the supplied Workbook Styles Source. *
Are you trying to assign a style from one workbook to the cell of a different workbook?
I checked the cell formatting of the template so that it matches the data (see also the image of the Columnfilter node).
I am at a loss.
Thx in advance
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I guess this is one for @AnotherFraudUser 
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could you provide the Template Excel to me without data (just the formatting and maybe the cell headers if possible)
Will checkout the issue and try to fix it 
From the error message it sounds like some issues with handling certain Excel formats - so hopefully not too much of an issue to fix
@Alice_Krebs thanks for tagging 
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I think I found the issue 
The node did not clean up some cell formats after processing a file.
So if the node was executed a second time it failed when processing affected cells (mostly date formats)
Which version of KNIME are you using?
I updated Version 4.5-4.7, which upfully should showup in a few hours 
HI @AnotherFraudUser ,
thank you for your quick response!
I use KNIME Version 4.7.
Great then the update should show up for you 
If issues still appear feel free to tag me 
Hi @AnotherFraudUser ,
thx !
Do I have to re-copy the node into my workflow or how do I get to the current node?

first you need to update the extension:
e.g. through:

or Install KNIME Extension and then the newest version of AF-Utilities 
Afterwards it should work directly (but I guess to be sure replace the node with a new one)
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Hello @AnotherFraudUser,
i tried both,but i got this:

AF Uitity Nodes installed:

Should i wait a little longer?
it seems you already have the updated version 
However you should not have to wait - i think this is an issue that the update does not apply correctly with your installation - does happen from time to time 
Could you please add the -clean option to your knime.ini (located in your installation folder)?
Sorry for the trouble - hope that fixes the issue 
should the clean option not work - could you please confirm that the error message is the same?
I just tested it again with a fresh installation and the last issue seems to be fixed on my side 
Try it with my old KINME.ini
ERROR Write To Excel Template 3:1009 Execute failed: Reason: Error while writing This Style does not belong to the supplied Workbook Styles Source. Are you trying to assign a style from one workbook to the cell of a different workbook?
Is it possible to deinstall the AF Utility and after a restart install it again?
my 4.7 .ini looks like this
could you move the -clean to the top? 
Still strange that you have a different order 
Maybe re-install could work as well 
Install Extension - then press already installed:
Then de-install 
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I build my KNIME.Ini like yours … cross my fingers that Knime start now…
1 Update
Knime started
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*just to be sure - in my .ini the memory usage of knime is higher then the default.
If you used it exactly the same and have less memory you should reduce the
to the default

*good sign that it at least starts 
the workflow now runs through, even if the nodes in front of it were reset several times!
You did it!
Sorry that it was a bit complicated with the updates - really have to figure out why that sometimes happens 
Then I wish you happy kniming and nice holidays