Problems with transfering Data from excel to knime

Hi All,

I recently encountered a problem with opening data in Excel Reader.
I need to work with col C but there are some values that wasn’t transferred (“#XL_EVAL_ERROR#”) and some in incorrect format (like 9.6048E-4) Can you please advise me on how I can avoid these problems and just read values with at least 6 digits after “,”?
DATA_Problems.xlsx (442.8 KB)

Your data is full of blanks and div by 0 errors. They’re causing the problems. How do want to deal with them?


Hi @barkhatovM , as @rfeigel said, invalid data in your spreadsheet is the culprit, but you can change how KNIME deals with it so it will be better able to interpret the datatypes by setting invalid cells to missing instead of the error string


@takbb solution should work and will look like this @barkhatovM

Excel - Import File with Blanks and Missings - KNIME Forum (84891).knwf (551.7 KB)


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