I have a workflow that uses the ImageJ2 'Image Calculator' node to substract the background from a list of images. The resulting image is of type double since there could be some negative intensities (properly handle with 32 or 64 bit images).
After this node I have a python node that further process those images (curve fitting).
The worflow worked with a dozen of images, but when I tried a higher amount of images (48) the python nodes returns the error: 'Execute failed: Serializing to a byte array threw an IOException (should never happen).'
I though that the double format was maybe somehow overflooding the memory so I try converting back to float. This time the python node returns : 'Execute failed: ("NegativeArraySizeException"): null'
Thanks for your help,
Here is my python code:
from __future__ import division
from KNIPImage import KNIPImage
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import numpy as np
# Copy input to output
output_table = input_table.copy()
# Create empty output_column
ColumnModel = [] # Model Image
ColumnAmp = [] # Parameters
ColumnOffset = []
ColumnX0 = []
ColumnY0 = []
ColumnSigmaX = []
ColumnSigmaY = []
#%% Model function for the fit
def Gaussian2D((X,Y),Amp,Offset,x0,y0,Sigma_x,Sigma_y):
Expression of a 2D-Gaussian
(x,y) : variables (pixel position)
Paramètres du fit :
Amp : Amplitude
Offset : "Intensity Background"
x0,y0 : position of the peak
Sigma_x, Sigma_y :proportionnal to the width of the gaussian
out = Amp*np.exp(-(X-x0)**2/(2*Sigma_x**2))*np.exp(-(Y-y0)**2/(2*Sigma_y**2)) + Offset # Expression of a 2D-Gaussian
return out.ravel() # turn the result into a 1D matrix, needed for curve fit
# Loop over every cell in the 'Img' column
for index,input_cell in input_table['output'].iteritems():
# get image from cell
Image = input_cell.array
#%% Open image and get metadata
shape = Image.shape
X,Y = np.indices(shape)
Max = Image.max()
Min = Image.min()
#%% Initial Guess and boundaries
Offset = Image.mean()
Amp = Max - Offset
x0,y0 = np.array(shape)//2 # initialising in the middle of the image
Sigma_x = Sigma_y = 100
MyGuess = (Amp,Offset,x0,y0,Sigma_x,Sigma_y)
BoundDown = (Min,Min,0,0,0,0) # we might have negative intensity values with 32-float image since the image results from a substraction
BoundUp = (Max,Max,shape[0],shape[1],np.inf,np.inf)
#%% Fit
Parameters, Covariance = curve_fit(Gaussian2D,(X,Y),Image.ravel(), p0=MyGuess,bounds = (BoundDown,BoundUp))
#%% Generate image of model
Model = Gaussian2D((X,Y),*Parameters)
Model = Model.reshape(shape)
# Write result back into a KNIPImage
output_cell = KNIPImage(Model)
# Append output_cell to output array
# Append columns to table
output_table['Gaussian Model'] = ColumnModel
output_table['Amp'] = ColumnAmp
output_table['Offset'] = ColumnOffset
output_table['x0'] = ColumnX0
output_table['y0'] = ColumnY0
output_table['SigmaX'] = ColumnSigmaX
output_table['SigmaY'] = ColumnSigmaY