Someone could help me with this error.
I have important problems with a different libraries in python.
Thanks in advance

Hi @26AngelG,

if you do not need Python2, you can just ignore it. Or does your Python Script legacy node not work?


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OK @steffen_KNIME thanks for your support!

But The problem that I am using Python Script legacy node and it give me a failure…

Yes, line 6 is wrong and also line 14. Could you look at the tab Templates and see how the syntax for this works?

Best regards

Thanks for this information, I didn´t know it!!!

But I continue with problems with this node the libraries are install but Python script doesn´t detect them

Mhm, can you verify in which Python environment you installed textblob?
In your original post, you shows a screenshot with your Preferences - KNIME - Python (legacy), where you selected as Python 3 environment se_redfield_textprocessing. You need to select the environment here. Please also thoroughly read through the guide mentioned in the node’s description.

Best regards


Thanks again for your support!! I have this problem with several libraries textblob, nltk… but they are install en jupyter notebook.

As I said: find out which Python environment you used in your Jupyter notebook, then select it as I outlined in my previous post.


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