Python script NotImplementedError

Hi @Agi,

thanks! I tried to reproduce, but cannot. The following workflow works fine with the bundled environment KNIME Python Integration 4.7.0.v202211291452
and KNIME Analytics Platform 4.7.0.v202211300839
(pandas: 1.5.1)
it also worked fine with 4.7.1:
KNIME Python Integration 4.7.1.v202301311311
KNIME Analytics Platform 4.7.1.v202301311353
Pandas_duplicates_error.knwf (8.6 KB)

Could you adjust the workflow to reproduce the error? Or if it throws the error, can you tell me the versions of the Python Integration and the Analytics Platform (Help → About KNINE Analytics Platform → Installation Details)?
Which conda environment did you use? The bundled one which comes with the installation? If not, could you send its contents via
conda activate <your_environment>
conda export > conda_env.txt

Thanks already!

Best regards