Python script starting for a long time

Hello there!

I am having problems when working with a python script in KNIME. I have set up a new conda environment using knime, so it has all the required packages. When I double click the Python Script node, I get the information “Starting Python…”, which stays there without an end. Does anyone have the idea what the reason might be?

Hello @Doosheck ,
Welcome to the KNIME Community!

Apologies for the delayed reply.

So, are all the previous nodes before the Python script node executing correctly?
Which version of KNIME AP are you using?
Also, could you please share the log file?


additionally to @sanket_2012 s questions: is the node connected to a previous node?

Hello @Doosheck

You may find a possible solution in this recent post; the scripting of input/output port reference, changed from deprecated nodes.


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