Qualifications Round - Results

Hi teams,

The results of the qualifications round to the KNIME Game of Nodes are finally available. :boom: :smiley:

Check the tournament bracket below to see if your team made it to the Round of 8. If your team name appears in the image below, you should probably go check your team’s private space on the KNIME Community Hub → Spaces of KNIME Game of Nodes – KNIME Community Hub :slight_smile:.

:pushpin: Results (also available here) → Game of Nodes

New in season 2: As announced in the “Assessment Criteria” of the website, this season the KNIME Team will publish the qualification scores for each criteria. Mind that the total scores are only meant to give teams a better understanding of their performance and do not give any priority or advantage for the upcoming rounds.

Table with Qualification scores

:white_check_mark: Strength, :warning: Room for improvement, NS = Not submitted

The Dothraki Data Horde 5 5 4 5 5 24 :white_check_mark: Excellent dashboard and report, :warning: Higher automation in user journey to generate report
The Guascoons 5 5 5 4 4 23 :white_check_mark: Through methodology and approach, :warning: More visualizations and interactivity in dashboard
LCP 3 4 5 5 4 21 :white_check_mark: Neat report and salary prediction, :warning: More interactivity in dashboard
Comfortably Knime 5 3 5 4 3 20 :white_check_mark: Automation in user journey, :warning: More data prep and dashboard beautification
J2K 3 3 5 4 4 19 :white_check_mark: Neat report and salary prediction, :warning: Dashboard interactivity
NelSte 3 4 3 5 4 19 :white_check_mark: Rich and well structured report, :warning: Some visualizations in report not displayed
Knirvana 3 3 5 3 4 18 :white_check_mark: Automation of report distribution, :warning: Some visualizations in report not displayed
Code of Nodes 4 3 3 4 4 18 :white_check_mark: Extensive documentation in report, :warning: Sharper interpretation of visualizations
Nexus 3 4 3 4 2 16 :white_check_mark: Neat and well-structured report, :warning: Dashboard interactivity
UNM-JKT 3 3 3 3 2 14 :white_check_mark: Neat report, :warning: Dashboard interactivity
Yayasan Komunitas Open Source 2 3 3 3 2 13 :white_check_mark: Neat report, :warning: Dashboard interactivity
Nodebusters 2 2 2 2 2 10 :white_check_mark: Neat report, :warning: Dashboard interactivity and recommendations
Alea 42 0 2 2 0 0 4 :warning: Unfinished workflow
TeamX 0 0 0 0 0 0 :warning: Empty workflow
Nobody Nodes NS NS NS NS NS NS /

:pushpin: General tips for improvement:

  • Ensure data is read from the workflow relative paths: prefer “current workflow data area” or “current workflow”. This is relevant for future rounds to ensure smooth data access and enable the KNIME community to assess the solutions more easily.
  • Document your solutions (e.g., node comments, annotations, workflow descriptions) to allow others to understand your work more easily.

We really appreciated your enthusiasm, as well as the proficiency and beauty of your solutions :pray:. Even if, unfortunately, your team did not qualify to the Round of 8, be assured that you did a great job :heart:.

Happy KNIMEing,