I believe that the quick node insert is the key improving the handling of nodes and components. I discussed a few of these on a call with the developers when they were working on v5, but I wanted to make sure to get them on the Forum as well. The quick node insertion in the Modern UI (keyboard shortcut “Control + .” on Windows & Linux, and “Cmd + .” on Mac) holds the key to simplifying navigation and selection of the hundreds of nodes in KNIME. Since it is a single purpose popup, it has the potential to get around the space constrictions of squeezing everything into a crowded workspace UI. Unfortunately it is currently only a small popup window that is search driven, but it has the potential to be a universal solution to node and component management.
Popup Size - The first change I would make is to make this popup either full screen (or at least near full screen) size. We need a lot of real estate to manage the massive node libraries. Be sure to utilize the full horizontal space when building out the sections below.
Icon size - Now that we have enlarged the popup window size, keep those icons small to allow us to view a large number of nodes / sections / folders.
Keep the current search approach as it is now in the primary top location - This works nicely and it allows for easy macro node search, selection and insertion. I would personally like to see components included in these search results as well for quick insertion, but I know that there is some hang-up on keeping nodes and components separated… Perhaps there could be a component search toggle option if that is the case.
Add a section for “Node Favorites” next that can be organized into groups by the user. This should be organized and added to by a simple drag and drop from the installed node / component list.
Add a section for “Component Favorites” next that can be organized into groups by the user. This should be organized and added to by a simple drag and drop from the installed node / component list.
Add an area to explore all installed nodes and components organized by folder similar to the new 5.2 node repository. Components should have a visual cue or separate folders to signify that they are different from nodes.
Bonus points for searching and exploring “uninstalled nodes” and the ability to select and install them - I would have an option for “include uninstalled nodes” which would included search results of uninstalled nodes (either in a secondary search results list or into the original list with visual cues for what is not installed), and a full list of installed and uninstalled nodes in the bottom area where all nodes can be explored. Some visual color (or greyed out) cue could be used to show uninstalled vs installed nodes. Selection of nodes and folders could be used to directly trigger node installations, or in the least a shortcut for node installation should be present.
Make all of the above sections collapsible so that users can best utilize the space for their own approach and needs. The window should always re-open with section collapse settings of the prior use.
Add a shortcut to this upgraded node / component insert to the bottom of all right click dropdown lists (with the keyboard shortcut reminder) regardless of what is selected, to ensure that it is universally easy to find and access.