@bwilhelm I think something is definitly off with the R KNIME integration since 4.5.1 - I had to move several integrations to the community edition in order for them to run:
@victor_palacios It used to work on a Mac with earlier versions of KNIME. H2O.ai would start its own process in the background and it does work with using the R community nodes (regression example , classification example ), so it seems to be a ‘communication’ problem between R and KNIME.
We had such a thing with KNIME and Python where the progress bar would not work between KNIME and Python and H2O.ai so the solution was to turn it off:
Also recently there was some heavy editing going on on t…
does work (R community edition)
does not work (R KNIME integration)
See the Metanodes for H2O