R Snippet parsing error

Hi all,

I ve installed R correctly. Rserve runs. It worked with 3.7. Updated to 4.1.
Now I get this error:

ERROR R Snippet 0:15 Execute failed: Failed to parse the script:
Syntax error: Error in parse(text = knime.script.in) :
unused argument (text = knime.script.in)

seems to be anywhere in the connection part. Any ideas how to fix?



Which version of R are you using? Which OS?

Is this a sample workflow you can share?

Hi Jeff,

thanks for reply. R 3.6.1
Here a minal example.


data.txt (364.5 KB)
R Simple.knwf (8.3 KB)

I will take a look at this tomorrow, January 2nd, as today was a holiday.

Is this Mac, Windows or Linux?

Helps me focus and document any steps for the correct os.

After looking at the workflow I have two responses.

  1. Looks like you are using the “R Scripting” nodes from the community category in the node repository. KNIME would suggest using the R nodes written and maintained by KNIME, under Scripting->R
    I was able to use the R snippet node without any issues.
  2. If you need this to work as is, with the community nodes, then there are steps you can take. I opened my R shell and ran the following commands
    library(Rserve); Rserve(args = “–vanilla”)

Looking at the “R Scripting” plugin, it went from v3.3 to v4.0 with the change of KNIME 3.7 to 4.1. Not sure what changed.


Hi Jeff,
works perfectly now. Thanks for the great support!