i want to read the content of the following example file with pandas in python. Its a Excel 97-2003 file. 20230714141942.xls (1.6 MB)
after applying “pandas.read_excel(file)” i first get asked for a engine, after using ‘xlrd’ following Error is raised:
XLRDError: Unsupported format, or corrupt file: Expected BOF record; found b’Time\t P1’
Normaly pandas should open a xls file without the need of an engine, so there is defenitelly a problem with the format.
@Marks123 you could try to use this library to import older Excel Files. I thought the new Excel Node should support older files. I will try something later.
@Marks123 here are a few examples how to deal with Excel 1997-2003 Files. As well as an import of your original file. Some adaptions concerning types are also there:
@mlauber71 and @Daniel_Weikert thank you very much for your answers, this little detail with the csv format helpes a lot!!
As for now i do not understand why this, via labview created files, are shown as .xls files (also when checking the properties) but nevertheless i am now able to proceed, thanks!