Redfield BERT Nodes - How can I reuse an already fine-tuned model from Huggingface for predictions?

Hi @ikonstas and welcome to the KNIME Forum!

I don’t believe you can with the BERT Selector Node, but you may be able to bring in the model with Python if you know some coding.

However, you should be able to read in a model from Huggingface with the BERT Model Selector node and connect it to the BERT Predictor node. What error were you getting when you tried to connect the two nodes?

Just as a reference I’ve attached a link to a post detailing how to read in a Huggingface model with the Redfield nodes (Importing BERT model from hugging face - #2 by Redfield) and a workflow showing how to connect the BERT Model Selector node with the BERT Predictor node (Building Sentiment Predictor - BERT – KNIME Hub). I hope some of this helps!
