I am trying to do a s3 load into redshift and i get this message that 5 columns do not match
I have checked all my column names and order and they match. I narrowed down the problem to 5 columns in redshift that are defined as numeric(18,0). My data is all numbers for those columns.
I tried changing:
1 my input using string to number but those columns are already numbers so they do not show up in the node.
2 using string manipulation and running todouble on the columns but same message.
3. if i change the columns in the db to text and then do a number to string node
on one of the columns then my message changes to 4 columns that have an issue.
4. I tried changing the numeric (18) and doing all the same but nothing.
Where is this log the message is referring to as I do not see it anywhere?
How do I get these 5 rows into the db?