Remote workflow execution merges multiple report pages


if I run a workflow with report output remotely via the KNIME server, the exported report (in xlsx format) has only 1 worksheet. Apparently all separate report pages are concatenated into a single page in the xlsx-output.

If I run the report locally via BIRT → Export xlsx, I receive an excel file with multiple worksheets.

Using the node Call Local Workflow results in the same issue.

Is there a way around it?

Thanks in advance

Hi @andpaw

Thank you for your question. I am trying to reproduce the behaviour.

Could you let me know what KNIME Server version and AP version you are using?

Best wishes

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Hi Ana,

I’m using KNIME Server 4.12.3, Executor 4.3.3 and AP 4.3.2.

Best regards,

Hi @andpaw

Thank you so much, I tried to reproduce it but was not able too.

Can you send me a small reproducible example workflow? Please with only dummy data.

Best wishes

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Hi Ana,

I’ve created two minimal example workflows and the two corresponding report outputs.
default_report.xlsx (4.0 KB) ExampleReport_0.xlsx (3.5 KB) ReportTest.knwf (22.4 KB) RunReportTest.knwf (27.8 KB)

To reproduce the issue you can export the report that is contained in the workflow ReportTest in two ways:

  1. Open the report in ReportTest and export it as xlsx:
    → You will see an excel containing two worksheets

  2. Run the workflow RunReportTest
    → This will also store the report in xlsx format, but you will see only one worksheet

I’ve also attached my two report outputs for comparison.


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Hi @andpaw

Definitely true, I can reproduce. I will open a ticket for this. Thank you so much for the patience sending me these files and letting us know.

I am trying to figure it out a way around it.


Hi @andpaw

I was not able to find out a way yet to overcome the issue, unfortunately. I have raised a bug ticket internally to fix the issue.

I am sorry for the inconvenience.