Rename a column that is just after a specific one


I import some extract from a SAP Frontend into Knime and for some column the “ID” is in a column and the “Text/Description” in the column just after.
The ID column has the right column header, but the “Text/Desciption” doesn’t have any header (if you open the excel file, the header is merged on the two column).

I have several column like these, and I’m wondering how you would solve it.
The new column name could be the same as ID one with “+ Description” for example. Change by position is not possible because column are not always at the same position.

I was thinking about a “Column Expression Node” that would check column header 1 by 1 and if the name start with “Column_*” then take the name of predeccessor colum and add " Description" as new column header but I don’t think we can rename header with this node.

Maybe Javascript node, but I don’t know Javascript at all…

Hi @Zarkoff95

What really helps to speed up the response from forum members is to upload a sample dataset. How does your input looks like and what is the desired output.

gr, Hans


Hi @HansS

Sure, you’re right.

here is what extract would look like in excel

and after a loading in knime, you’ll notice empty_B and empty_F

that I would want to rename them respectively as “Reference Description” and “Familly Decription”.

Obviously this example is super simplified.
Reference or Familly could be in other position next time (so I can’t just rely on
empty_B = Reference Description… empty_B could even not exist next run)

But a WF that could detect if column header starts with “empty_”, and if yes, see the previous column header name “Reference”, add a suffix to it " Decription" and column B header would become “Reference Description”, otherwise keep the column header. (columns in that case will always be contiguous)

See attached a very simple excel file with 2 tabs, run1 and run2 in which I just inverted the column order to simulate the fact that the column are not always at the same position

example - Copy.xlsx (12.1 KB)


Hi @Zarkoff95 ,

Try this

It fetches the column names for the existing table, determines the name of the previous column and if the current column name is “empty_*”, it creates an updated name which can then be used by Column Renamer dictionary to rename those columns

Rename specific columns based on previous column name.knwf (85.7 KB)


Thank you very much, it works like a charm.
I had to adpat the “Row Filter” node because I’m stuck to version 5.2 in my compagny (even for update of nodes), but I could manage it with your explanation.

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