Replace Curly Quotes with Straight Ones

Firstly, I am a newcomer to knime and wow, what a great product. Can’t believe I was unaware of such a great resource.

I have been successfully importing and manipulating text files for further processing, but I have hit a brick wall trying to replace a curly double quotes with straight quotes eg I would like “ to be transformed into ".

I can successfully match the curly quotes using the character itself or its unicode but I can’t replace them with straight quotation marks. I have tried multiple nodes - string manipulation (replace and regex replace) as well as string replacer and string replace dictionary nodes.

I have tried escaping them in every possible combination I can think of and after 8 hours of getting nowhere I need your help! I can successfully replace single curly quote marks, but there is something about the double quotes in the replacement text that isn’t working for me.

eg regexReplace($Col0$,"“" ,""" ) finds and replaces the curly quotes with nothing.

Any ideas?




Hi Geoff,

Have you tried the String Replacer node using wildcard pattern and replace all occurrences options? see screenshot bellow.

You might need a second node for a closing quote.



Thanks Temesgen.

In case it helps anyone else I have realised that my problem was due to a setting in the csv writer, not the find and replace expression. When I switch off quote mode (select the never option), I can replace curly quotes with straight ones - using the method you suggested and the other approaches.



Hi there @gbarcan,

welcome to KNIME Community!

don’t spend 8 hours next time. Ask earlier :wink:


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Hi @gbarcan, Glad you found the root issue, however given your example using regex
regexReplace($Col0$,"“" ,""" )

I suspect the reason this didn’t work is because the 2nd quote terminated the replacement, in fact I would expect the node to error out.

Something like below would probably have worked where the backslash (\) is used to escape the quote mark in the regex.
regexReplace($Col0$,"“" ,"\"" )

I’ve not yet needed to use regexReplace, but most implementations of regular expressions would require some “escape character” in the same circumstance.

There are a number of “special characters” in regex such as . $ \ ^ etc.


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