Hi friends
I have created this Report with a custom “name” and used a variable
This image below is my old configuration.
And it still working If I don’t change anything.

I’m trying to replicate the same structure in another workflow, but with no success.
*Using the same configuration, doesn’t work

*This image is: 'I’m trying to config the variable and getting an error.

I think this is a new config to browser the location, where I can write the file name, but not a custom file name with variable.

Hello @Felipereis50,
In the new configuration, you need to provide the full file path (including the file name) instead of just the file name. You can use a variable for the file name, but ensure it’s part of the complete path.
Here are the three location options:
- Local File System: Absolute path (e.g.,
- Local Space: Relative to your KNIME workspace (e.g.,
- Embedded Data: Within the workflow’s data folder (e.g.,
Create a variable for the file name and use it to build the full path (e.g., "knime://knime.workflow.data/" + $report_name$
Hope this helps!
You’re right…
Now I understand.
I have to create the file “complete name”, before connecting.
Thanks for the idea