Reset node

Hi, it is possible to automatize the RESET function, (for example to reset node every 10 minutes automatically) ?

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Hi @igorbono,
Not sure if it helps, but this is essentially what a loop does. Every time a new loop iteration is started, the nodes in the loop body, between Loop Start and End node, are reset. Using a Wait… node you can control the interval at which the nodes are reset and reexecuted. Does that help?
Kind regards,


Hello @AlexanderFillbrunn ,

What I need is to run these nodes once a day, my doubt is how to do this … is there some kind of “autoexe”?

Hi @igorbono,
This use case is how KNIME makes money :wink: KNIME Business Hub is our commercial product that allows teams to share workflows with each other, version workflows, and deploy them as REST API, Web Application, or Schedules. The latter is what you need: you can set up a workflow to run every day, hour, or even minute, or at predefined times.
Kind regards,

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OK @AlexanderFillbrunn Thanks !

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