REST Post - "Use constant body" for Microsoft Graph


I need to use Microsoft Graph to retrieve emails. In the Rest Post I need to use the “Use constant body” to pass the body of the request, but I cannot find an example of what that structure needs to be, or if it actually can be done.

For starters I’m just trying to authenticate to get a Token, but not able to. The POST works when I try it in Postman.

I think my issue is the format of what I put in the body text box.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Hi Willem,

Thanks for your question.

Would you be able to post your POST request here, as well as which node you are using in Knime/ which type of authentication you selected in the Knime node/ what error message you are getting back if any from the Knime node?

In the mean time, I will try to find an example of what to put in the body text.


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Hi Willem,

Can you please provide us with the information so that we can better understand your problem, or let us know if you are still experiencing the issue?


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