Restore from curved conections

Dear Knimers,
I have recently upgraded from version 4.7 to 5.2 (which made the platform significantly heavier on my machine (with an Intel i5 processor and 20GB of RAM-memory).
But my request is for help on choosing for uncurved connections.
Can someone enlighten me to find a more complete menu (such as the former, that was much better than the current one)?
Any help would be much appreciated, even (in a last case) on how to install a former (and lighter) version of Knime.

Problem solved.
With the help of Modern UI assistant, I’ve found the option to turn back to the “Classic User Interface”.
Although the new interface has an attractive visual, some functionalities (present in the “classic” one) are lacking now. And I’m afraid I’ll have to downgrade to the former interface.
Thank you all, anyway.


Great to hear you found the solution!

Yes, there is a option to go back to the classic interface if at any point you have trouble using the new modern ui.

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