Restrict KNIME AI Assistant LAB extension.

Hi Team
I am part of packaging team and would like to know if there is a way to block or restrict users installing KNIME AI extensions in KNIME Analytics platform client 5.x.x version? If we can do via customization to restrict in the KNIME.ini entry or removing the software update sites in KNIME AP console to restrict the extensions?

Hi @Ashwath5245,

There is an option available to be used within the knime.ini as described here: KNIME Analytics Platform User Guide
Other ways like providing an customized update site mirror or distribution of a read-only installation would be also possible, but are not needed for the deactivation of the KNIME AI Assistant.


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Thank you Michael for the reply and update. Very useful and expected information.

One more query if there a entry or replace where we can put the organization AI API url (instead of Azure Open AI) to use as default if they try to use K-AI assistant instead of complete disable this option.

Hi @Ashwath5245,

I asked the KNIME AI integration team regarding the possibility to use a different LLM for the K-AI assistant.
Currently this is not possible, as a KNIME Business Hub customer you could only switch to the OpenAI compatible services offered by Azure.
In the future we will try to enable also other LLMs to be used for the K-AI assistant.


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