I have a calculation problem I can’t wrap my head around.
I have this table of “items” (or products if you want):
No I want to take the overall cost (from column ‘Cost’) and subtract from wherever is revenue. If there is no revenue (as in Row0) it should start deducting in the next column (in this example Rev2021)
Also, if the revenue in a column is not “enough” the remainder should be calculated and carried over to the next column.
Here’s what it would look like for example:
Row0 – 0 / 70 / 160 (subsctracting the 100 from the 170 which is ‘enough’)
Row1 – 0 / 27 / 70 (subtracting the first 12 from Rev2020 and the remaining 13 from Rev 2021)
Here’s an example workflow (only with the example table):
I thought about using loops and temporarily saved tables but I am not 100% sure if this is a stable / good way to do this.
The hands down best way is to use the @takbb Java snippet approach. That approach is embarrassingly more efficient than a loop based approach… That being said, I don’t have his “Java snippets have long memories” tricks down yet so I still fall back to a loop based approach most often. Calculating it using a loop is certainly a valid approach and not error prone if built the right way, and it does provide a more low code flow for editing the calc within the loop. Preference?
From a sustainability point of view, having it “low coded” in KNIME directly without the use of “high languages” like Java would be preferred. The reason for this is that I always assume that at some point in time I probably have to hand over my work. If I don’t understand what I am doing there, it will be difficult to hand over (because I really don’t like to say “believe me, it will work” until all of a sudden it doesn’t).
Yeah, I know we now have chatGPT to explain the world (including Java code) to us but I am also not sure if that is a “reliable” approach.
Long story short: I would probably prefer to use loops, do you have any idea, how I could start @iCFO ?
hi kowisoft
my simple w/flow but for handling a large number of annual revenue columns(years), might not be the most optimized approach and appologize if not as per ur expectations.
rgds linux knime 5.2.x
Thanks a lot for your feedback and support @marzukim
Unfortunately I have many more columns than in this example and also the 0’s shouldn’t be altered.
Basically, in common language a formula should do the following:
if the value of the first column is 0 go to the next column
if it is not zero, subtract the cost from it
– was the revenue enough?
– if yes → calculate what is left, then go to the next row
– if no → go to the next column and repeat the same process there
Does it have to be dynamic in terms of column names and number of “Rev” columns that the calc would need move over to? Seems like the years in the column names would change if this is going to be a regular use production tool…
Is the general table structure stable enough to reference columns by position?
I think that this can be done without a loop by performing a few multi column sums / tests and then using those results to drive an if statement to apply the changes to each column.
Hi @kowisoft , I take your point about handing over low-code rather than no-code. It all comes down to which you ultimately feel is simpler.
If for example we took you “common language formula”
if the value of the first column is 0 go to the next column
if it is not zero, subtract the cost from it
– was the revenue enough?
– if yes → calculate what is left, then go to the next row
– if no → go to the next column and repeat the same process there
and compared that with this java snippet “code”, would that in any way sway you, because that is pretty much the specification for what is written here:
// Your custom variables:
Integer costRemains = null; // set initial cost remaining
// Enter your code here:
if (ROWINDEX == 0 ){costRemains=c_Cost;} // On the first iteration, grab the COST value
int revisedRev = c_Rev; // on each iteration, initially set "revised Rev" to the current revenue value for that row
if (costRemains > 0)
// there is still cost remaining, so attempt to deduct from current Rev
revisedRev = revisedRev - costRemains;
if (revisedRev < 0)
// the cost was not fully covered by this Rev, so set this Rev
// to zero, and carry forward the remaining cost having made it "positive" again (costRemains)
costRemains = revisedRev * -1;
revisedRev = 0;
// costRemains fully covered by current Rev, so set to zero
costRemains = 0;
// output change to Rev
out_Rev = revisedRev;
Here is a more standard KNIME no loop / low code solution option as well. I used a regex column rename approach to offer a dynamic adaptation for changing years in the column names.
It depends on a 3 column calculation structure. If a dynamic number of columns can be present, then it would require changes.
@kowisoft , maybe the component solution (built on the java snippet) is an option for you as it abstracts the low-code into no-code, and once tested you can fire and forget (and hand over!).
An Integer version
and a Double version
This replaces the java snippet, and the only additional “work” required is because of my design-decision (because processing is row-based) that the “initial value” should be supplied by a flow-variable rather than an input column.
if you have a fixed number of columns you should be able to avoid loops, Java, components and overengineering by using math. You simply play a bit with max/min functions. Take a look at attached workflow. Rolling Columns Deduction_ipazin.knwf (17.1 KB)
However, @kowisoft , if it does not have fixed number of columns, you can still avoid Java, but (arguably) not the over-engineering … by using my new “hot off the press” Cumulative Framework component(s)…
I especially like the wildcard driven column selection which probably somehow deals with the “not fixed number of columns” problem.
also big shout out to @takbb and @ipazin for their approaches, this motivated me to dive deeper into understanding the script nodes as well as “component development”
One thing that was new to me is the fact that I could use if conditionals in Math Formula Nodes.