I am currently trying to create and excel out put with specific, static formatting for certain rows. I currently can find formatting for specific cell criteria but am unable to figure out which node to use to format and entire row. Does anyone know the solution for this?
You need to format in Excel. KNIME can do complex formatting only with Python programming or such.
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Like @izaychik63 said Pyrhon is the only way
Python Excel Drop Down
I attached a workflow that uses your example to create an Excel file via Python. And also one from the example from before. I think you have to provide the Python Script with a valid path (in this case I used the path of the workflow) and you have to close the file at the end.
kn_example_python_excel_drop_down.knwf (21.4 KB)
Python Excel manipulation
well … there is a way. You could use the Python module openpyxl and open the stored excel file in Python and do some manipulations and then save it again. Openpyxl offers a wide range of possibilities.
Please be aware that this might not be the most stable way, and it could get tricky if you have large or complicated Excel files.
kn_example_python_excel_manipulate.knar (54.5 KB)
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