Row Filter

Hey KNIME Community,

i have a question regarding to the Row Filter. I have calculated the minimum number of word with the java edit variable so that I can filter out words which are smaller than the calculated minimum number, which is 8. But as you can see in the picture, the row filter give me a false output table. What did i wrong.



thanks for your help in advance,


You are applying a string filter as the radio button selected shows pattern matching . Use the range checking one with lower range set to 8


I like the rule based row filter. It sort of gives me more control.

kn_example_rule_based_row_filter.knwf (17.8 KB)


Hello InsilicoConsulting,

but why should I use the java Edit Variable when i have to set it manually?


Didn’t quite catch your drift. In case you want to use the flow variable i.e. Java edit variable output connected to “row filter”, go to flow variables and set lower and upper bound to that variable name.

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