Row filtering using multiple tables

Hi all,

I am a newbie and cannot get the row filtering to work and would very much appreciate some help! I
want to filter sequences based on subsequences. For example I have in table #1 the “full” sequence MREIVHIQAGQCGNQIGAKFWEVISDEHGIDPSGNYVGD and want to know if my subsequence from table #2 GAKFWE is somewhere in there.

How do I do that?


Hi @Sere and welcome to the KNIME community forum,

What you want to do is possible by using the Rule-based Row Filter (Dictionary).

Since you have not made it clear in your explanation, I had to consider two different situations:

  • You have several reference values in the second table and if the values in the first table contain any of the reference values from the second table then that is considered as a positive match (OR condition)
  • You have several reference values in the second table and if the values in the first table contain all the reference values from the second table then that is considered as a positive match (AND condition)

Here is the workflow for both cases:

rule_based_row_filter_dictionary.knwf (317.6 KB)



Hi @armingrudd

the “OR” workflow is what I was trying to figure out. Thank you very much! Is there a way to include the found subsequence in the output table and the position it has in the full sequence that it was found in?


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What do you mean by position?

Can you provide an example?

For example

Found subsequence: DASDA
Position: 4

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Hi @Sere

I think a workflow like this is what you are looking for rule based filter.knwf (306.5 KB)



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