Rule Based Row Filter (Dict)

Dear Knimers,

In Rule based row filter (dict), is there a possibility to identify for which rules the input table was filtered for.
Example - The bottom table contins the rules, the top table is filtered fpr the rules. The output is filtered tabel without any reference to Rules table.
But I want to capture the either the row ID from rules table or columns from rule tables.

Please share your findings and suggestions.


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Welcome to the forum @Suhas27.

Off the top of my head, I’d suggest using a Rule Engine or Rule Engine (Dictionary) node to create the tags in the table to be filtered, then carrying out the filtering.


Hello @Suhas27,

check bottom topic. You have example workflow in it.



Hi Ivan ,

Thanks for pointing me to this.
But I am still consfused regarding the config in Rule-based Row Filter node.
And I am not sure how to get row id details from rules table into the filtered table.

Will wait for your reference.


Hello @Suhas27,

not sure what your aim is exactly? If you use Rule-based Row Filter node the filtered table contains rows which did not match any rule so there should be any relation between rules and those rows. Can you maybe give us example on your input data together with rules and expected output?


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