Rule Engine / String Manipulation no longer part of default installation?

Hi there,

I wonder if I did something wrong but to me it looks like all of a sudden the Rule Engine Node as well as the String Manipulation Node are no longer part of the default installation of KNIME.

Could that be the case?

How did I discover this? I took an older workflow from 5.2.0 and opened it in 5.3.0 to find the message about missing extensions. When I further investigated, it looks like these two nodes (+ others??) are now part of the Java Snippet Extension, which is not installed by default, see here (Rule Engine – KNIME Community Hub)

Or did I somehow do a faulty installation of KNIME?

Not really sure if this topic still warrants an answer based on the linked topic but just working through some unanswered topics :slight_smile:

But for me a just downloaded fresh installation of 5.3.1 contains mentioned nodes by default.


Thanks a lot @ArjenEX - through another conversation, I think I found out, this must have been a faulty installation. The thing is that it happened on multiple instances in our organization and therefore I concluded that something has changed. But it did not, at least not on the KNIME side.

I guess this post can be closed.

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