Sales data

I have tried multiple ways with the AI assistant to resolve but am getting no where. I have a data table that tells me the following information: Event Date and Time; Order Time; Ticket Quantity; Ticket Price Paid. What I want to do is see the average time between people purchasing a ticket, and the event
West End Summer 2013-2023anon.xlsx (255.4 KB)

I am being told that my event time column is a “string”, but trying numerous attempts to convert time from a string to time and date has come up with no results - I have tried the String Replacer and String Manipulation to remove any white spaces to no avail. I dont understand what I am doing wrong or how to resolve! Have spent about 4 hours on this already today but just not getting anywhere. How can I convert this data into a readable sales pattern, and then have a format I can use with varying data sets?

Any help is much appreciated!

@Google_User Welcome to the Forum Community. Could you share the workflow you have?

My idea was Excel Reader - String to Date&Time - Date&Time Difference - Plot. But I cant get past the string errors

Try this.
Sales Data Time.knwf (471.6 KB)


Amazing thank you!!!

Please mark solved. Thank you.

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