I’ve tested it and it works quite nicely, however I think it’s not triggering workflow rules and processes for new and updated records. I updated a record but I don’t see it updating the subsequent details that’s normally done if I use salesforce inspector. I don’t exactly know how to contact the creator of the component to see if he can assist / advise - so I’m setting up this topic. Or if anyone else knows how to resolve the issue, please do advise.
I can’t really post pics as I can see the updates from the component going through and ending up in salesforce but I don’t see the subsequent steps initiated in salesforce.
I see that @ChristofAnckaert hasn’t been on the KNIME forum since you made your original post. I don’t think there is a whole lot of Salesfoce knowledge on the forum to be honest. I’m afraid you’ll have to bear with him.
No worries, thanks @ArjenEX. I guess that’s fine. In any case, the component is good, provided there’s no susequent triggers expected for the update / action.
Hi @Sajith
I won’t be able to help you there. My component makes use of the Salesforce Bulk API V2.0. Salesforce Developers
AFAIK there are no options on the API to control the workflows.
I don’t know enough about the internals of Salesforce workflows to assist you.