Scraping chemical data from ChemBL or PubChem with Selenium node

I am going to make a workflow for scraping chemical data from PubChem or ChemBL databases. So, lets say, I have a list of chemical compounds (synonym) and I want to do the search by entering the synonyms in the search box to get the corresponding Smiles. I started from the WebDriver Factory node and then Start WebDriver node followed by the Find Elements node. However, I don’t know how to link the compound list to the search box of ChemBL/PubChem. I am wondering if anyone knows how to work out this?


Hi Nasir,

could you post the current version of the workflow to get an idea where you’re at?



I noticed PubChem node is available for this purpose. So, I see how it goes with these nodes and keep you posted.


Sure. Fingers crossed!


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