SDF Reader failed: Configure failed (NoClassDefFoundError)

I am new. I want to read a SDF file. I installed, so I got LigandScout installed. I drag SDF Reader to there and I entered things in Configuration. But the SDF Reader has a red cross and saying:
ERROR SDF Reader 3:1 Configure failed (IllegalAccessError): class com.inteligand.ilib.config.o (in unnamed module @0x700b7a49) cannot access class sun.font.FontManagerFactory (in module java.desktop) because module java.desktop does not export sun.font to unnamed module @0x700b7a49
ERROR SDF Reader 3:1 Configure failed (NoClassDefFoundError): Could not initialize class com.inteligand.ilib.util.a.r$b

Hello @jwang_knime,

and welcome to KNIME Community!

If you are on the latest KNIME version (5.4.0) then it won’t work as extension containing this node is still not available according to documentation:


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Thanks. Then, how do I find an older version that works?


Why don’t you use the SDF Reader that is part of the official Chemistry extension?

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Thanks, Thor. You mean that the SDF Reader under Chemistry extension is a different program from that under LigandScout and it is free. That’s great news! I have already changed to the old version 5.2.0 and it is working. I will update later.