Selection widget "Description" configuration

Hi! I’m using the Single Selection Widget and would like a description that explains about this selection. It would be nice to have it all in one node instead of using another node to add a description that’s connected to this node. I noticed the description section in the node config, but wonder what it does? I found in some documentation that it can be shown in the view, possibly be means of tooltip, but I can’t seem to get it to work.
This node is used inside of a component, and I have tried to execute the component but still no description appears.

This is how it looks now when executed

This is the end goal I want:

Thank you for any help!

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Hey @erikawalther,

thanks for reporting. The description is supposed to appear when you hover over the element, but for this particular widget there is a bug that prevents the tooltip from showing up. I create a ticket for the bug (internal reference: UIEXT-2313) and this thread will get an update as soon as the problem is fixed.

Greetings and thanks for reporting,

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Okay great thanks! So it’s should only be available as a tooltip, not as a subheading that always shows?

Yes exactly, that is the current expected behaviour.
In the future we probably will rework this and turn the description more towards like the new node descriptions. See an example in the screenshot

I assume this would also help you for your use case?


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