[Selenium] Cookies Node throws java.io.IOException: Output closed

Hi @qqilihq,

the IO Exception is back but this time not in Incognito but regular Chrome mode.

2024-10-24 15:21:14,243	ERROR Cookies              3:1126:0:1661:0:961 Execute failed: java.io.IOException: Output closed
Build info: version: '4.24.0', revision: '748ffc9bc3'
System info: os.name: 'Windows 11', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '10.0', java.version: '17.0.5'
Driver info: driver.version: unknown


Thread Dump
241024 Selenium Cookie IOO Exception threaddump-1729776253895.tdump.txt (110.6 KB)

No parallel execution. Chromoe WebDriver args are:

[0]	String	--stack_size=4096
[1]	String	--max_executable_size=4096
[2]	String	 --optimize_for_size
[3]	String	--max_old_space_size=4096
[4]	String	--disable-ipc-flooding-protection
[5]	String	--disable-search-engine-choice-screen
[6]	String	--disk-cache-size=0
[7]	String	--verbose
[8]	String	--disable-infobars
[9]	String	--user-agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
[10]	String	--lang=en-US
[11]	String	--ignore-certificate-errors
[12]	String	--disable-blink-features=AutomationControlled

PS: Maybe the cause i not found in the cookie node but somewhere upstream as the network dump doesn’t return any resource

But the WebDriver clearly got data and extracting Cookies using JS works.


Thanks for the details - I would also expect the culprit be rather with the Network Dump. The IOException “Output closed” indeed suggests an issue with the network interceptors from the network dump nodes. (this is just an assumption for now)

Does this issue happen “out of the blue” within several iterations, or can you reproduce it reliably?


It is really erratic. Reenabling parallelism some chunks completed without an issue, others failed permanently once the issue got triggered. Parallelism I believe is less a cause or contributor but merely increases the chances of triggering it.

Let me know if you need anything or if I shall piing you in case I can reproduce it once for a remote debugging session.

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