Self-paced Course: [L3-DE] Productionizing Data Pipelines

This forum thread is for questions related to KNIME self-paced course [L3-DE] Productionizing Data Pipelines. For example, if you need help with an exercise or have some feedback, please post it here!

You can access the course here. The link will direct you to the learning management system where you are required to log in.


Having difficulties using Space Connector node in Part 1 Exercise 3 Production Data Pipeline. Unable to connect the node Knime Data Hub. Node states “Mountpoint My-KNIME-Hub is not connected. You need to connect in the KNIME Explorer first.”

Issue Resolved. To sign into Knime Community Hub, select Home in the upper left of the Knime Application. Scroll down to bottom of page and Sign into Knime Community Hub.

In Part 1 Exercise 3 Production Data Pipeline, I’m unable to get the Call Worfklow Service in Step 2 to work. I’m getting the following error: “Error: org.knime.core.node.CanceledExecutionException: ProgressMonitor has been canceled.”

When I copy over the solution’s Call Worflow Service into my Knime, I get a version error "Error: org.knime.core.node.workflow.UnsupportedWorkflowVersionException: Unable to laod workflow, it was created with a future version of KNIME (5.3.0v202406210734). you are running 5.2.5v202405310911.

Hi @nwittmann , happy to see you’re taking the new course and thanks for reaching out!

  • As for connecting with the Space Connector, you’re right - you first need to connect to the KNIME Business Hub instance in the space explorer and then you’ll be able to connect with the Space Connector. (Note that the same would be true for KNIME Community Hub, but we’re working with KNIME Business Hub in this course.)

  • I just had a look at the exercise and it works for me. You need to add the fresh Call Workflow Service node from the node repository to your workflow and provide the path to the workflow you created in Step 1 (use workflow relative path). Could you please share the screenshots of your workflow and of the Call Workflow Service node configuration?

  • I see where the last problem you described comes from: when we uploaded the exercises to KNIME Community Hub, we might have saved some workflows in the latest KNIME version which is 5.3. A quick fix for you is to open the workflow in your version (5.2 as I can see) and save it again. It will then be usable in 5.2. Alternatively, you can update your KNIME Analytics Platform to the latest version (5.3). We will update all the exercise workflows to version 5.3 soon.

Best regards,

Hi @nwittmann ,

to add to the previous answer - I managed to reproduce this: “Error: org.knime.core.node.CanceledExecutionException: ProgressMonitor has been canceled.” This is just a warning in the node configuration and providing the correct path to the workflow (or simply re-providing the path again) seems to solve the issue.

Let me know if it worked out for you.