Sequences analysis

Hello, I have a table in which orders and their transportation routes are available. The display is as follows. It starts with a line containing order information, followed by several lines containing the route (intermediate destinations). This is followed by another line with order information and routing information, etc.
Is it possible to use KNIME to display all possible routing options and combinations?

Here is a simple example, of what i mean

Hey there,

short answer: Yes that is doable:

uniqueConcatenate.knwf (79.0 KB)


First you use missing value filter and define for each column how to handle missing values: For Order you take the value from previous row and for segment you remove the row.
That leaves you with each segment having the correct order assigned.
Then you groub by order and aggregate segments using unique concatenate function
Then you use another groub by to groub by that newly created column and use the count on the order field et voila…


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