Server Course: Customer Segmentation - Part 2: Define Cluster Parameters

1. Filter only numeric columns (hint: use the Column Filter node) 2. Use the Integer Widget node to define the number of Clusters Configuration: - min number of clusters 2 - max number of clusters 10 - default value: 4 3. Use the Column Filter Widget node to define the column to be included for clustering 4. Use the Text Output Widget node to write the webpage description Text for the WebPage (hint: use html as text format): <h2>Define Cluster Parameters</h2> <p>Set parameters to be taken into account in the following clustering.</p> <p>Click 'Next' to start the clustering process.</p> <P>If you do not know what a clustering process is, check <a href="">Cluster Analysis</a> and specifically the <a href="">k-Means algorithm</a>. 5. Encapsulate the 4 created nodes in a component and configure 2 outports: one for the Integer Widget node and one for the Column Filter Widget node

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