Set size form Single selection Node and use of CSS Editor


Is it possible by using CSS Editor to set the size of the form opened by the Single Selection Node,
Now it is a very big form for just showing 3 radio buttons.

If it is possible, can you show me how to use the CSS Editor to set the width and Hight of the form, and how to set the color of the text inside



Single Selection is a legacy node, so I recommend you switch to Single Selection Configuration or Single Selection Widget. For the configuration node within a component, the view is more reasonably sized.

Hi Victor,
Thanks for the suggestion, but I can’t reproduce this.
I first put a Single Selection Widget in the workflow and ‘execute and open view’ this one, and the result was again a big form. Then I selected the widget and transformed it to a component and run again ‘execute and open view’ and again the result is a big form.
I’m not sure if I have to do it differently



Try Single Selection Configuration instead of Widget and then you can reproduce what I’ve done. The widget is for interactivity in the view. The Configuration is for interactivity in the Dialog menu of a component.

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