please see attached workflow where I have two tables:
TEST with columns:
customer _id
Destination / filter with columns:
I have to loop for all records from table destination / Filter to set row filter conditions to table TEST.
So in run 1 I filter table TEST to Customer_StatGroupName = a; this runs ok
So in run 2 I filter table TEST to Customer_StatGroupName = b; this runs ok
I would like to except when filter condition = *
In this case no filtering is required; all records should been shown test 7 to Knime.knwf (27.2 KB)
In general row filter node should only be executed when filtercondition != *.
I tried with If Switch / End Switch but unsuccessfully.
Thanks for your solution; it works for the example I sent to you.
In real life there are more nodes that should not be executed when filter = , e.g. sorting etc.
Therefore I want to use an if switch / end switch to devide workflow ito 2 parts: 1 for all filter != and one for filter =*.
I have problems setting up if switch to devide into this condition:
If CustomerStatGroupName !=* to be lead to one port in case of condition is true and in case of condition is false to the other.
Yeah I’m sorry, I’m using sometimes older versions with the old User Interface.
You can try to use the “Rule Engine (Variable)” Node to switch branches of a “if/switch” node