Shared Components or better solution?

In my Workspace environment I have to read the same input file in multiple workflows that run sequentially; recently my input excel file changed layout and I had to go trough the entire environment (more than 50 workflows) to update this excel reader to the new file layout.
I wonder if there is a way to avoid this repetitive work by using something like a component that reads my file and then next time I have to change it only do it in one place instead of many???

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Hi @frankmch

See this post by @eddy0620

gr. Hans

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You can put the Reading and Preprocessing in a seperate Workflow and call it via Workflow Service at the different positions in your master Workflow

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Hi Thanks for your reply, would the data table be available for use as the result of the call??

Thanks for the suggestion ill try that approach… however I still have the doubt about the reusability of a component…

Simple answer is yes if you set it up correctly :).