SharePoint "GraphServiceException" still occurring in 5.2 (spaces in file path problem)

Hello to the team,

at least with our install @ 5.2, the problem of not being able to read files from SharePoint if spaces are in the file path persists.

(please see Sharepoint Connector “Graph Service Exception - item not found” since installing version 5.1.0 - KNIME Analytics Platform - KNIME Community Forum for reference)


We cannot read from or write to paths that contain one or more space characters.
Is this a known issue?
Best regards,
Jan Schuppius

Hey @schuppius,

thats very unfortunate to hear. You are on 5.2. right? Could you provide us with some log files after attempting to execute the node.

Best regards

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Hello Lars, thank you for commenting!
I just tested it again, and at the moment it is working. No idea why.
Maybe I did something wrong after switching to 5.2 initially?
I think this topic can be deleted.
Best regards,

Hey @schuppius,

thanks for reverifying! Can’t explain the behavior, but happy to hear that it works now.

If this problem ever comes up again please reply to this thread and in case it’s closed open a new topic.

Best regards

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