Sharing Data Apps publicly


I’m relatively new to the concept of Data Apps (created my first one just today), and I am going to use this great tool for research purposes. Specifically, I am thinking of designing Data Apps as decision support tools for some empirical problems that I am working on for an academic paper, then share the app with the paper readers and practitioners.

Do I have to have a Business Hub subscription for that purpose or is there any ways for educators/researchers to deploy and share the app publicly?

I appreciate your advice.


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Dear Behrooz,

Since you’re an academic and a member of the Educators Alliance, you may qualify to use an instance of KNIME Business Hub that we manage for free (it depends on the application). Please email me with a bit more information on what you’re interested in deploying and we can take it from there.

Also, to learn more about data apps, you may find this webinar useful:



Hi Aline,

Thanks for your response.

I have been working on a data app in the past few days and I finally could successfully get it to work on the Analytics Platform. The idea is that I am writing a paper on using Explainable AI for designing personal interventions for students at the risk of attrition. The Data App I created is meant to provide an interface for the school administration to look up a student and get his/her report showing the attrition risk level, top critical factors, and suggested interventions to reduce the risk of attrition.

The reason I need access to the Business Hub is that I would like to create an online shareable link of the Data App and share it with the readers of the paper, so that they can try out the efficiency of the system themselves. I am not sure if that is technically possible at all to share a Data App publicly with people who are not using KNIME Business Hub, but if it is, that would be a huge breakthrough for many of my research projects.

I would appreciate your advice.

Also, thanks for sharing the webinar. That answered several questions I had in mind.


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Hi Behrooz, I’ll write you an email today to further discuss it.


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