As mentioned in the workflow description “If there is not a clear elbow to be found in the plot, try using a different approach, like the Silhouette Coefficient”, I encountered the same problem and I want to do topic extraction with Silhouette Coefficient criteria, but I can’t find correct sequence of nodes to do this. As I’m quite naive to knime, I would be grateful if someone help me with this.
Thanks in advance
I don’t know that we have an example workflow combining both LDA with the Silhouette Coefficient, but we do have several workflows highlighting how you can use the silhouette on its own. In fact there are both nodes and a component for it. Maybe this workflow gives you some ideas?
Dear ScottF
Thank you for your kindness and for the answer. I have actually calculated silhouette coefficient and now I need to a component like “Find Elbow” in this example workflow (Topic Extraction – KNIME Hub) to join the result of clustering (k-means) to the LDA node. I would be appreciated if you or the other forum members could help me with this.
Can you upload your workflow (with some dummy data, if appropriate) showing what you’ve tried so far? That would give others a starting point to work from, at least.