Skip to next record on error with Table Row to Variable Loop


I’m using a list of URLs to get files from a website with the Table Row to Variable Loop along with the File Reader node. As it’s looping through the list of URLs, it will come across a URL that is no good (I won’t know this beforehand). When I test the URL in my browser, it really isn’t a good URL (see screenshot). Ultimately, I want to skip this URL if it fails, and run the next one in the list (continue the loop). I have tried to use the “Try / Catch” method, but this doesn’t seem to work. Any thoughts?



I tried a different method which is much faster. Instead of looping through the URLs, I’m using the “Download from List” node to store all of the files locally. Then I’m looping through the local files using the “Simple File Reader” node. The old workflow was error-prone and took close to 2 hours to run. The new workflow runs without error and takes less than 4 minutes to run. Problem solved!


Hello @elohbeck,

glad you found a way. And a bit faster one :slight_smile:

Note: Try/Catch sequence catches execution errors and File Reader throws error on configuration in your case. That is the reason your previous and design wasn’t working.




Good to know - thanks Ivan. I just downloaded 4.3.1 and noticed I could further simplify this workflow by using the new CSV Reader to read all files in the folder. I tried this node, but it seems the CSV Reader may have some bugs to work out. First, it couldn’t properly read the comma delimiter. When I tried it again, it froze my Knime instance and I had to force a shutdown. Hopefully the new CSV Reader is on the bug list - I imagine that node will make this even easier.


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