SMB Connector failed while scheduling the workflow

When I try to schedule the workflow, I get “SMB Connector error: Execute failed: com.hierynomus.protocol.transport.TransportException: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: com.hierynomus.smbj.common.SMBRuntimeException: com.hierynomus.protocol.transport.TransportException: EOF while reading packet” error. Could someone help me resolve this issue? Thanks.

Hi @akmuthu2215,

The details provides by you are bare minimal. Could you please provide more details to understand the complete issue?


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I have to read excel files from SMB connector and after transforming the data, I have to write the files in the same SMB drive. So, I used SMB connector to read the files from the drive. When I schedule the workflow in the knime server, I get the error as I mentioned above. Appreciate your help!

Hi @akmuthu2215,

Thanks for the info shared. Are you getting the error while reading the files or while writing the files? Also, if you can share the OS details of both desktop and server will give some understanding if it is environment issue or any other issue.

In any case, I recommend checking the permissions to the folder if the Knime user which is executing the service on the server is having enough permissions to read and write to that location.


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