Here is my work flow to split the CSVs into separate files and folders
May not be an Efficient one but does the work
challenge_2_BHV.knwf (310.9 KB)
Here is my work flow to split the CSVs into separate files and folders
May not be an Efficient one but does the work
challenge_2_BHV.knwf (310.9 KB)
Here is my solution. And did have to work with absolute path because the csv writer seams to have a bug wenn using relativ path and creating missing folders.
File_Split.knwf (102.1 KB)
Can I find your solution also on the KNIME Hub? It would be easy to inspect it there.
Here is my solution:
My Solution:
I made it automatically download the input data from hub and use a file system connection to be very easy to run on different systems.
Mine is here
Hi guys, where are these Challenges defined?
@bruno29a, they get posted here once a week on Wednesday. Iām not sure how many there will be in the series.
Thanks for the info @elsamuel
If you add tag #justknimeit-2 to your workflow on the KNIME Hub, then it becomes visible when we search for solutions to challenge #2. Tags are defined in the description panel of the selected workflow on the right.
This is a fun little exercise! #justknimeit-2
This link does not seem to work.
Hello, here is my solution: Link
Here is my solution for Challenge 2
Using KNIME Nodes
Using KNIME +Python Nodes
Link to find these challenges
Hey, here is my solution:
hey, link to my solution
Here are my solutions, I did 2 possible