love this @HeatherPikairos good job!
Thanks a lot @AnilKS
Actually @l6fader I originally used the String Manipulation Multi Column node but only one because you can nest all of the replace statements inside each other But when I saw the unpivot and rule engine I realised it was a much simpler way of handling all the erroneous data
@MoLa_Data @HeatherPikairos i totally agree this is a great trick. but for this challenge, i did it this way, even tho it seems counter intuitive:
In day-to-day work when i am building tools for our KNIME server, I have found it cumbersome to have the re-execution trigger each time when you want to make multiple changes (ie say you want to uncheck two boxes) and so i turn it off and put in the refresh button. How do you like to handle this?
@HeatherPikairos i never did that before! it makes total sense! sometimes i really do try to use as few nodes as possible so this is a great approach! but i agree with you… the unpivot/rule engine approach is so simple!
@l6fader @MoLa_Data Normally, I like to use the re-execution option within the node when its available (and i did use it for this challenge). I was wondering why other people had used the refresh button, but when I saw it in action, I realised that for the multiple check boxes it makes total sense, but it was too late for me, I’d already posted haha! I guess ultimately it depends on the use case
absolutely agree
Hello again KNIME members,
I have a lot of work that keeps me busy, but I’m trying to get on date with the challenges.
I see the data have a lot of mistakes with the country information, maybe for not updating the info, on the data source and the Choropleth Map component, The regions are not updated too.
Then I need first normalize the country information, using the ISO_3166-1 alpha-2 as shown in the next image:
The final flow is here: as show in the image:
And the final result is:
Amazing @elimisael congratulations!
Hi @elimisael – we’re so happy that you found the time to tackle JKI’s challenges! It means a lot to us. We hope you learned new KNIME or Analytics skills with this little puzzle.
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