To celebrate Pride Month, we came up with a data analytics challenge that will allow us to see which countries cover the most LGBTQIA+ laws.
Here is the challenge. Let’s use this thread to post our solutions to it, which should be uploaded to your public KNIME Hub spaces with tag JKISeason2-14.
Need help with tags? To add tag JKISeason2-14 to your workflow, go to the description panel on the right in KNIME Analytics Platform, click the pencil to edit it, and you will see the option for adding tags right there. Let us know if you have any problems!
The calculation rules I set are: NO -0, YES -1, other -0.5. Because I don’t fully understand the data, I don’t know if this rule is completely correct.
Here’s my solution. I’m sure the data transformation could be done more elegantly, but my brute force method works. A few countries in the data don’t match the country names in Choropleth. It could be fixed manually, but I didn’t bother.
Hi all.
This is my solution.
I noticed it’s quite similar @sryu, even if he did some data manipulation more “elegant”…that’s good in order to learn how to improve workflows… thanks!
Hi everyone,
Here’s my solution.
Countries with higher scores than the world average are colored green.
The average score is calculated according to the columns you select.
Hello everyone!
This was a really fun challenge. Here is my first solution, which steals my plotly js chloropleth used in JKISeason2-5_LF to do the dataviz.
I tinkered round a bit to get to this version, which i think answered the challenge better. But my earlier version (which i call the IKEA version, because i rushed ahead without reading the instructions and the final product wasnt quite right) binned the different laws into catagories to focus on and had a range slider to filter out the hate so you could focus on the best places to live. This one was a lot of fun too:
I enjoyed the interactive challenge this week and was nice to see everyone’s solutions
In this challenge I used the -Multiple Selection Widget- node to create the dropdown list of rights. I then used the -Rule Engine- to calculate the scoring and the -GroupBy- node to sum the total scores. I’ve presented the results with the -Choropleth Map- component from the hub and also the -Table View- node with the countries listed in descending score order.
I also decided to present the number of countries per score as a -Pie Chart-, to see how many countries have implemented few or lots of the LGBTQIA+ rights:
It was interesting to work with Rule Engine Dictionary to apply several rules at a time. As it was required I have built a component that represents the chart and allows user to select both countries and the laws.
@HeatherPikairos very nice. i like very much your combo of unpivoting and then use of a single rule engine. This is a great way to convert the whole table from text to a score. Love it!