Solutions to "Just KNIME It!" Challenge 19 - Season 3

:wave: Hello, folks! We just published a new Just KNIME It! challenge on Formula 1! :racing_car: :racing_car:

:trophy: Sports analytics is a growing field, with data insights guiding decisions about teams, tactics, and general strategies. Are you already feeling inspired by the speed of this week’s datasets? :grin: :grin:

Here is the challenge. Let’s use this thread to post our solutions to it, which should be uploaded to your public KNIME Hub spaces with tag JKISeason3-19 .

:sos: Need help with tags? To add tag JKISeason3-19 to your workflow, go to the description panel in KNIME Analytics Platform, click the pencil to edit it, and you will see the option for adding tags right there. :blush: Let us know if you have any problems!


Hi @alinebessa , :wave: :slightly_smiling_face:

this afternoon Jakarta time, I’ve uploaded my solution for the #JKISeason3-19 challenge! You’ll be able to see both Historical Team Performance and Driver Position Changes throughout the thrilling 2021 season. :racing_car::bar_chart:


Hi, this is my solution for this nice challenge.

I used moving aggregator on points for drivers and constructors.
For me the real challenge was making views dynamic to the selected season.


Here’s my solution. Shows cumulative constructor and driver points at any point in the season.


Check out my solution here:

I’ve created racing bar charts using e-charts to visualize the round results. I analyzed and visualized the points by driver, constructor, and nation. Even though I’m not an F1 fan, I found myself on the edge of my seat—the difference and race of the columns between Verstappen and Hamilton was intense! :sweat_smile:

These e-charts are game-changers for visualizations—extremely powerful and helpful, you can do nearly anything with them


Amazing visualization :clap: :clap: :clap:


Brilliant! Kudos to you.


The visualization is pretty impressive. Great job :slight_smile: .

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Hi all,
Here is my solution.
I also created bar race charts. The charts are color-coded by constructor, and the drivers’ and constructors’ charts move in sync with the same round timing. You can compare each of them while watching. I was interested, so I made it possible to select years other than 2021.

(The movie I posted is about 3.5x faster.)


Hi all,
Here is my solution.

I made dashboard with bump chart.


Find herewith my submission : Not so dynamic though…

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This is a seriously clunky solution to animation. Would be grateful if anyone knows how to make the loop run and display the images in the same way when in a component.


Hi @alinebessa,
I found the link to “this challenge thread” is incorrect. It links to Challenge 2 - Season 3. Please check it. :slightly_smiling_face:

I did the animation inside of the Generic Echarts view node.

I’m not sure you thought about that (“display the images in the same way when in a component”), but I hope it helps.


Here’s my solution - also went for my favourite visualization: Rank bump chart :-).

Tried to get it to animate, however it only seems to animate the “circles” and not the lines…

Anyways - please with how it looks :slight_smile:


I had tried to do the animation within echarts using K-AI - very unsuccessfully.
Thanks for your solution!


:wave: Hi, everybody! :wave:

:exploding_head: Wow! The cool thing about having an easy challenge is seeing how you all focus on the details – amazing visualizations, folks! :heart_eyes:

:pushpin: Here’s our dynamically animated solution. We used the Animated Bar Chart component here, but using the Generic Echarts View node is truly an excellent idea.

:movie_camera: See you all tomorrow for a cinematic challenge!


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